Password Complexity

January 25, 2025
We've all seen the annoying password requirements. "You must use capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols." Supposedly, it makes it harder to guess your password. But is it really more secure? Nope, it's all nonsense!
Password Complexity

Technology and Team Members

November 24, 2024
Here at Hyperion Works, we want to make you as efficient as possible so that you can reach your business goals. This means using your team members where they should be used, and using technology where it should be used. But how do you know which to use and when?

Why Aren't My Emails Being Delivered?

May 13, 2023
Here's a question we get all the time: "I sent an email, but the person I sent it to never received it, it didn't go into their Junk folder, and it didn't bounce back to me. What happened?"
Email Finger

How to Tell if Someone is Trying to Email Scam You

February 12, 2020
Email scams are very common. And they're not usually as transparent as they were a decade ago with Nigerian Royalty claiming they're trying to send you millions of dollars. They've gotten more complex, but there are still some telltale signs that will give away virtually any email scam attempt.
Email Scam

Browser Extensions

August 14, 2019
It is estimated that a whopping 3.2 billion people, or almost half of the world population, are online.
Browser Extensions

Network Monitoring

June 3rd, 2019
There is nothing worse than getting a call that your network has gone down. Employees cannot complete tasks, customers are dissatisfied, and your business is left in the dark until further notice.
Network Monitoring

How VoIP Can Make Life Easier

May 5th, 2019
About 85% of all emails sent in the world are spam. We all know about the junk that we hate, or virus attachments, and even some of the scams that are out there. But one of the biggest issues plaguing people recently is email spoofing. It's surprisingly easy to do, and once you understand how it's done, you'll be better equipped to not fall for it.
Old School Phone

Email Spoofing Scams

April 26th, 2019
About 85% of all emails sent in the world are spam. We all know about the junk that we hate, or virus attachments, and even some of the scams that are out there. But one of the biggest issues plaguing people recently is email spoofing. It's surprisingly easy to do, and once you understand how it's done, you'll be better equipped to not fall for it.

Security Tips

April 11th, 2019
Networking can be a scary thing. Cyber criminals and viruses alike will stop at nothing to get hold of your data. I want to share with you today some tips and tricks that even we in the IT industry use.
Security Tips

Wired vs. Wireless -- How Should You Set Up Your Office?

March 13th, 2019
Whether you are moving into a new office, remodeling, or installing new equipment, you should be asking yourself if your workstations and network should be wired or wireless. So when should you go wireless?
Wired vs. Wireless

Email Hosting -- What Type Is For You?

February 26th, 2019
You may already know this but there are a few ways your email can reach you. Today, we'll provide some considerations for determining what type is best for you and your business.
Email Hosting

Microsoft Windows 7 Is Expiring

February 17th, 2019
If you're running Windows 7 on your computer, time is running out. Windows 7 has an end-of-life date of January 14th, 2020. What does this mean for you? It means that Microsoft will discontinue all support for Windows 7. This includes all updates, even for security.
Windows 10

Useful Shortcut Keys

February 10th, 2019
Today, we'd like to put the "fun" in functionality.
Useful Shortcut Keys

Pros and Cons of Cloud Services

January 31st, 2019
Cloud computing has made leaps and bounds over the last several years. You may be wondering if cloud computing is right for you and your business. To help with that decision, we've compiled a list of pros and cons for your consideration.
Cloud Computing

Protecting Your Hardware Investment with Battery Backup

January 24th, 2019
Earlier we discussed the importance of backing up all your data. The subject of today's message is how to back up your hardware with a battery back up! Power outages and power surges can happen at any given moment without warning. Why should you worry about this?

Don't Lose Your Data -- Back It Up!

January 17th, 2019
What's your contingency plan? We know how important your data is. If hardware fails, natural disaster strikes, a theft occurs, or a system outage causes you to lose your data, it will be gone forever. Without it, your business could come to a screaming halt -- Sales records lost, expensive software gone, and employee data unrecoverable. So what is it you can do to ensure you're not stuck up a river without a paddle?